Pistol:- Any Centre-fire revolver or semi-automatic, calibre .354 to .455 in

Sights:- Any metal sights which may be adjustable, any colour. Orthoptics not allowed.

Trigger:- In the opinion of the range officer, the trigger must be safe.

Position:- Standing. Both hands may be used to hold or steady the pistol.

Targets:- PS5. One per competitor.

Ammunition:- 30 rounds, to be supplied by the competitor.

Rules:- Club Police Pistol 1 Rules apply.

Course of Fire:-

Practice 1

25m : 12 shots in 2 minutes (to include reloading). No scopes are permitted.

Practice 2

15m : 12 shots, in strings of 6. The targets will make 6 appearances of 2 seconds with intervals of about 5 seconds. One shot only to be fired a each appearance. This practice to be fired twice.

Practice 3

10m : 6 shots. The targets will make 3 appearances of 2 seconds with intervals of about 5 seconds. Two shots only to be fired at each appearance.


In practices 2 & 3, pistols must be returned to the ready position before each appearance, ie; 45 degrees below the line of sight.

Qualifying Scores:-

Mastershot  297

Expert        290

Marksman   280