These regulations are set out for the guidance of members and their guests when shooting on ranges controlled by the Falkland Gun Club. The Club range rules do not supersede any range rules that are in force on any other range used by the Club.
(a) A range officer that has been deemed safe by the general committee will run the range. The committee will appoint all range officers.
(b) No firing will take place without a competent range officer.
(c) Shooting is to take place to UKPSA, UIT, PAA, MLAIC, ISSF and CPSA rules.
(d) Before during and after any practice the range officer’s decision is final.
(e) There is to be no alcohol consumed before or during a practice. If a firer appears or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs then he will not be permitted to fire and will be told to leave the range.
(f) Any argument with the range officer about leaving the range will be reported to the general committee in writing as soon as possible.
(g) A copy of range rules will be available to all firers at the firing range at all times.
(h) Red flags will be displayed whenever the Club is firing on any range. A visual check of the area is to take place before any firing starts.
(i) At the end of firing all firers are to clean any empty cases off the range whether or not they have fired them. Care is to be taken that no live rounds are left on the range.
(j) Firearms loaded or not are not to be pointed at any person without valid reason. Any infraction of this rule is to be reported to the general committee.
(k) Think safety at all times you are on the range or handling firearms.
(l) All persons under 17 years of age must have the permission or authority of their parents or guardian before they can use the range. A written copy of parental permission must be submitted to the Club Secretary prior to the junior member commencing firing.
(m) Adequate hearing and eye protection must be worn by all participants while firing is taking place. Depending on what discipline is being shot this may include spectators.
(n) All Mobile Phones should be either switched off or put in silent mode whilst firing is taking place.
These regulations are made under the authority of Rule 25 of the Falkland Gun Club Rules.
Chairman Steve Dent
As amended after the Annual General Meeting of all members on the 11th February 2014